


Nothing Happens

Ram Ganesh Kamatham
Bangalore, India
April 26, 2023

About the Story

Somewhere in the Indian Ocean, a nuclear submarine carries out a deterrence patrol. Bizarre new orders arrive and two sonar operators must face existential threats. Will they rise to the challenge, or are they in over their heads?

Get to Know the Writer

Ram is a powerhouse who seamlessly hops from research to policy think-tanks to anthropology to playwriting. Like a secret agent.

Here is our mini Q&A with him!

Q: If you were a sound effect, what would you sound like?
A: Ba-dum-tisch!

Q: Why did you write about this topic?
A: Climate change and nuclear weapons are both existential threats to humanity that we are not doing nearly enough about, fast enough.

Q: How does climate change affect your community?
A: My home city managed to get water-logged and have a water shortage simultaneously, due to unseasonal rainfall. And we are 920 m above sea level!

Q: Who would you like to listen to your episode?
A: Political realists - who can't seem to imagine a better world. Idealists who will prove them wrong. And dentists.

Q: What was your most memorable podcast-writing moment?
A: Singing the 90s cartoon theme for Captain Planet in a workshop. "We're the Planeteers, you can be one too!"

More about the playwright

Episode Producers

Lead Producer

QTP is a theatre & arts management company based in Mumbai/Bombay, India. We'll let them introduce themselves in their own words:

'For the last 24 years, we have been producing our own work as well as touring remarkable international plays from the US, UK, Ireland, China, and Canada. Bringing together people from diverse backgrounds and cultures, we strongly believe in the spirit of generosity to build projects/productions/festivals from the ground up.'

Supporting Producer

Soulpepper is Canada's leading artist-driven theatre company and is based in Tkatonro/Toronto. We'll let them introduce themselves in their own words:

'We believe that stories can connect us, that they are vital to our understanding, compassion and knowledge, and that they can motivate us toward social change.'

Sunny's inventive and award-winning theatre works have been presented in over 60 cities across the world and translated into 4 languages. His wide range of audiences have spanned international arts festivals goers, queers in underground warehouses, seniors in regional theatres and young people in drop-in centres.

Episode Supporters

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Take a Deep Dive into the Themes!

Our Impact Producer, Chaprece Henry, unpacks the climate themes
in this episode in our Discussion Guide

Discussion Guide



Directed by PUJA SARUP

Starring (in order of appearance):

ALISTAR BENNIS as Petty Officer Joseph "Josh" Joshi

DILNAZ IRANI as Lieutenant Commander Pooja "Angry Panda" Panda

NAKUL BHALLA as Rear Admiral Amar "Ackbar" Anthony

Sound design, music and audio mixing by VARRUNN BANGERA


Episode Producer and Production Manager TORAL SHAH 

Recording Studio OCTAVIUS (Mumbai/Bombay)

Access the transcript here.

Take Action

Smog over city
Photo by Raunaq Chopra

Help Delhi Breathe began as a citizen-led campaign to curb air pollution in Delhi, years later it’s a coalition featuring business, mission-based groups, and more. Please support their work!

Fight with Care is a documentary that explores how fisherwomen in Southeast India work to protect wetlands from industrial infrastructure. Watch their story here!

Did you know that climate pollution travels across borders? High greenhouse gas emitting nations, like Canada, contribute to climate disturbances worldwide. Hold the Canadian government accountable. Sign the petition to the provincial government to protect communities from climate disasters by ending fracking in British Columbia!

Get More Action Ideas